Guideline For Usage Of Logos
- All certificates issued by IAS remains the property of IAS and must be returned when requested.
- Certificate holders must ensure that no incorrect references to IAS certification system or misleading use of certificates or marks occur.
- IAS Registered Companies Logo is granted under licence to those client companies who have obtained certification by IAS after successful assessment to the applicable standard.
- Where the IAS Registration Certificate has been issued under any accreditation, Accreditation Body’s logo is to be used in combination with the IAS Registered companies’ logo, as applicable.
IAS Certification Logo
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt. Ltd. Registered Companies Logo can be applied to stationery and publicity materials that relates to the company’s Scope of Registration. This can include brochures, product cards, advertisements etc. The mark shall not be used on laboratory test reports, calibration and inspection certificates and not applied directly to the product or packaging, whether secondary or primary or in such a manner as to imply that any individual product has been approved. Where the logo is used, the Certificate Registration number must also be clearly indicated.
The logo may only be reproduced in a single colour which is unlimited, but where practical should conform to existing preprinted stationery, brochures, letterheads or other promotional materials of the Company.
Accreditation Logo
The Accreditation Logo may only be used in combination with the IAS Registered companies Logo and is limited to stationery, literature and other written promotional materials. It cannot be applied to the product or packaging and visiting cards whether secondary or primary. The Accreditation Logo shall be reproduced in accordance with the PMS Reflex Blue & PMS (45) RED indicated with the art work enclosed or in a single colour to confirm with the predominant colour of existing preprinted stationery, brochures, letterheads or other promotional material.
The Accreditation Logo shall not be used in such a way as to suggest that the Accreditation Body or government Organization it represents have certified or approved the activities of the Company, or in any other manner which can mislead.
The Certification Body/Accreditation Logo may be uniformly reduced or enlarged but shall not be less than 25 mm in height.
If an accredited certificate holder fails to comply with these regulations or uses the logos in any misleading manner, IAS reserves the right to withdraw or cancel its certificate upon which action, the certificate holder shall immediately cease to use the logos and withdraw the existing stock of its stationery and other promotional brochures etc. bearing the logos, from further use.
Such action could include requests for correction and corrective action, suspension, withdrawal of certification, publication of the transgression and, if necessary, legal action.
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt Ltd has stopped working with M/s. PT. INOVATOR ASESMEN SINERGIS, owned by Mr. Pughu santoso, having office at Gedung MTH Square Lantai 3A No. 21, Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. 10, Kel. Bidara Cina,Kec. Jatinegara Jakarta Timur 13330 from 01.03.2019 onwards.
This action was due to the allegation that M/s. PT. INOVATOR ASESMEN SINERGIS has been issuing fake ISO certificates in the name of M/s. Integrated Assessment Services (IAS) and misused IAS & UQAS certificates and logos. During the investigation, it was found that issuing such fake certificate was in practice for quite long period.
M/s. INOVATOR ASESMEN SINERGIS has systematically cheated Integrated Assessment Services, UQAS, certified clients, customers of clients and government by issuing forgery, fake certificates.
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt. Ltd (IAS-INDIA) has taken serious view of this and is investigating each individual case. PT.INOVATOR ASESMEN SINERGIS will be pursued legally for this criminal act. M/s. Integrated Assessment Services (IAS-INDIA) will not be responsible for any such certifications, claims, trainings carried out by the M/s. PT. INOVATOR ASESMEN SINERGIS.
The originally issued certificates are declared in website or website. If your organization is issued with an IAS certificate from M/s. PT. INOVAOTR ASESMEN SINERGIS and if it is not appearing in this list, it is possible that it might be a fake certificate. For further queries do contact
IAS is delivering its services directly through PT. Integrated Assessment Services. Integrated Assessment Services will soon release the list of fake certificates issued under its name.
All material and content on and (the “Websites”), including all courses, pages, articles, PDFs, templates, sample certificates, images, data, logos, videos, and other types of content (the “Content”), is the exclusive property of Integrated Assessment Services Pvt Ltd., and is protected by copyright law.
The Content may not be modified, reproduced, sold, distributed, published, or rewritten, in whole or in part. Anyone who wishes to reprint or to use IAS materials must request permission from Integrated Assessment Services Pvt ltd. You may contact IAS here.
Trademark Notice
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt Ltd has invested significant resources into developing and promoting several registered and common law trademarks and accordingly has amassed significant goodwill in these marks and in the associated certification services. Only Integrated Assessment Servies may use its trademarks in sales, advertising, and promotional materials. To maintain its trademarks and to prevent marketplace confusion, IAS is required to take action against unauthorized use or reproduction of its trademarks in any commercial context.
IAS’s trademarks include but are not limited to (the “IAS Marks”):
Integrated Assessment Services Pvt. Ltd®
PT.Integrated Assessment Services®
written materials, the appropriate TM or ® symbol must be used with the first or most prominent appearance of the IAS Marks.
Other company names, product names, and marks that are referenced on the Websites are the trademarks of their respective owners.
Trademark Usage Guidelines
Unauthorized Use:
1. The IAS Marks may not be used or registered, in whole or in part, as a company or trade name, product name, or service name.
2. Any confusingly similar abbreviation, variation, or foreign language or a phonetic equivalent of the IAS Marks may not be used for any purpose.
3. The IAS Marks may not be used in any way that would imply that Integrated Assessment Services endorses, sponsors, or is otherwise affiliated with a third party or a third-party product or service.
4. The IAS Marks may not be incorporated, in whole or in part, into a website domain name or a social media profile.
5. The IAS Marks may not be used in any advertising that is false or misleading in any way or that is in violation of any applicable law, administrative agency regulation, or municipal ordinance of any jurisdiction.
6. The IAS Marks may not be used in association with defamatory, pornographic, scandalous, disparaging or otherwise objectionable materials.
Permitted Use:
The Integrated Assessment Services Pvt. Ltd (IAS) & PT. Integrated Assessment Services (IAS-INDONESIA) word marks may be used by clients certified by IAS to the extent necessary to refer accurately to Integrated Assessment Services or its services, provided that the use complies with these guidelines.
Contact IAS today to learn more about usage of logos, or visit our frequently asked questions page!